Saturday, July 16, 2011

Baby Step #1

1.This is my 1st blog ever.....Im writing because it is in my blood.My mother was a Journalist/Correspondent/Editor(90% of the reason it took me so long to write at all is I never thought I could live up to her name..The other 10% was just general laziness and a propensity to self destruct before i even start.)Ergo the title "Libations for Ayo",this is my dedication to her memory and everything she instilled in me.
2.Although this blog is named in memory of my mother Andrea Lavette "Ayo" Ford (Google her..its amazing she can be Googled but passed years before Google even existed) its not about her per se but about me and my thoughts,my world and my experiences which my mother spent her lifetime preparing me to digest to the fullest so I will blog as the cameraman to my thoughts.A biographer of my failures.An Archivist of my experiences and a critic of my own opinions,values and morals.
3.I hate numerated columns so im going to just move on ok?

 The hardest part about writing about my experiences is being honest with myself. I
 like to think of myself as a wise charismatic man cut from the same branch as my father and my brother Chinua.In actuality I have scientifically been able to pinpoint it to somewhere between St. Peter and and Gargamel from the Smurfs.I have been a student,a brother,a father, son,lover,a muslim, christian,a rastafarian,hooligan, gangster, drug dealer, convict, drug addict, thief, liar etc.etc..But...everytime I looked in the mirror I saw a dressed up garbage can.The happy recepticle of trash.The thing you only notice when its time to get rid of something.
 But i also see a library of sights and sounds,places and people.
I have had deep conversation with Maulena Karega(?) The creator of Kwanzaa.I ate Thanksgiving dinner with Aretha Franklin,hung with stars when i lived in California,smoked pot with reggae artists in Jamaica,smoked dope with prostitutes,plotted with thieves,answered to judges,stole from family,and burned innumerable bridges ,some which can never be rebuilt.And i still cant wash all the blood from my hands. I have lived life to the fullest and cheated death over and over again.But i have never had an honest conversation with myself much less the world.Idont know why im  here or what my purpose in life is but one word pops up again and again.WRITE. And so i will until i find My peace,My place.My voice.I hope you follow me....

This 1st post is dedicated to obviously my Mother,for teaching me that no matter what knowledge and facts trump opinions.My Father for being the wisest most understanding person i know.My brothers and Chinua in particular for never judging me and showing me what a man is.And to my cousin Derrick..who through a lifetime has never wavered in his love for me and commitment to my well being.One Love.


  1. I love that you have decided to do this... What better way to pour out your love, your fear, your rage, and your progression. I am sure that your Mom would be proud that you have taken this 1st baby step. I can't wait to read more from you.
    From your biggest fan!

  2. Oh man. Ethagbhe, don't stop! Keep on writing, I want to hear all of it! I can't give any words for how moved I am right now, but something tells me this is in you. It's definitely in your blood.

    (My biggest regret is that I was too late to meet your mother. How I wish I could.)

  3. hey cuz, i am so proud of you, you said it best, your sincerity for yourself is glowing, i will follow you & let the boys of mine & people i know & in need, what you have written, powerfully important so heart felt, i love & miss you dearly, a wonderful man you are

  4. Yes, this hit me deep. thank you bro, you are already good at this. cant wait to see what it is like in a year. with you in soul, mind and spirit, always.


  5. Aunt LaVon:
    I am proud of you. Upon reading this tears came to my eyes. Some people never face the realities of their life. I appreciate your writing skills. Keep it up.

  6. ETHAGBHE! you are my cuzo!!! i will love you for ever!!!!!! you and your brother was my little brother not cuz man i want the best for you always remember that if i have you have no matter what!!!!! remember your dad wounld say family is all you got and im there for you and!!!!!!!! yours!!!! till death do we part!!! love you with allllllllllllllllll my heart!!!!! you know its me Dj Raw aka Derrick
